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Contribution is Key

This project was a labor of love! The ability to make a meaningful contribution to the understanding and treatment of eating disorders was so important to me. Alfred Adler would say I have social interest and I'd agree. Sometimes we get to make these big impacts, but more importantly are the everyday small ones - a smile we share with a stranger, a "thank you" to someone who holds the door open for us, or allowing someone to go in front of us in the carpool line. When we take those moments to acknowledge someone or put someone's needs ahead of our own, we create a ripple of encouragement, of positive energy into the world. We all know we could use a lot more of that! So here is my ripple for the moment - to share this amazing resource that might be helpful to mental health professionals of all kinds (and thank you, Lyuba, for being a wonderful co-author!). I'm hoping it may inspire you to make your own ripples today!

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